Current Conditions in Downtown Napa

Current Conditions at 19:38 on 12/06/00
Temperature 47° F
High Temperature
61° F at 14:33
Low Temperature
38° F at 00:30
Wind E at 0 mph High Wind E 13 mph at 13:29
Wind Chill 47° F Low Wind Chill 31° F at 11:28
Barometer 30.15 in. 3HR Baro. Change -0.01 in.
High Barometer 30.29 in. at 10:15 Low Barometer 30.14 in. at 16:05
Humidity 71% Dew Point 39°
High Humidity 94% at 09:23 Low Humidity 26% at 14:30
Rainfall 0.0 in.

Weather History for YESTERDAY
High Temperature 61° F at 14:59 Low Temperature 35° F at 08:17
High Wind S 11 mph at 15:56 Low Wind Chill 35° F at 08:17
High Barometer 30.26 in. at 11:06 Low Barometer 30.13 in. at 16:57
High Humidity 93% at 09:26 Low Humidity 24% at 16:11

LONG TERM Weather History
High Temperature 121° F at 19:06 on 6/14/00 Low Temperature 28° F at 07:16 on 11/12/00
High Wind NNW 643 mph at 09:48 on 3/31/00 Low Wind Chill 22° F at 06:05 on 11/13/00
High Barometer 30.43 in. at 12:02 on 11/23/00 Low Barometer 29.37 in. at 12:56 on 9/20/00
High Humidity 100% at 06:48 on 3/7/00 Low Humidity 0% at 15:14 on 3/8/00
Rainfall 104.58 in. Since 3/6/00

Do you want to see todays graphs?
Temperature (Last update: 7:37:06 PM)
Barometer (Last update: 7:35:03 PM)
Rainfall (Last update: 7:34:01 PM)
Wind Speed & Direction (Last update: 7:30:56 PM)

The Wino weather page utilizes an Ultimeter 2000 from the Peet Bros. Company .
and Prescience 2000 Weather Software, Copyright © 1997 Praxis Software